SIMbox Server – the Management Environment
SIMbox server contains different software modules used for configuration management of the developed content, control over the content’s distribution, data gathering from content end users, data analysis and report generation. This management environment provides services to the development and the delivery environments, as well as manages the transfer of information between the two.
Parallel development from several locations, reusing components and maintaining configuration management. This improved productivity is achieved by using SIMbox Server as a central data repository of reusable building blocks for simulation components and training units. SIMbox Server maintains the configuration management of the development environment with features such as check-in/out mechanisms, version tracking, and automated updates.
Relevant, up-to-date information for every end user while tracking knowledge, skills and progress.If you cannot track progress of knowledge and skill, training programs risk becoming irrelevant as their effectiveness is rendered questionable. A SCORM 2004 certified LMS enables sending relevant information to the relevant users at the relevant time. This process details tracking of progress in both knowledge and skills. SIMbox Server also provides additional management features such as version control, access by permission, scheduling, and task listing.